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Mineral Processing Equipment

Sepro Tire Drive Agglomeration Drums

Sepro Tyre Drive Agglomeration Drums are specifically designed to prepare feeds with high fines content for Gold and Base Metal heap leaching operations.

Falcon Gravity Concentrators

Exclusive to Sepro, our Falcon Gravity Concentrators are effective high G-force gravity concentration equipment. All three models have features that improve the efficiency of fine mineral recovery for a wide range of industries.

Sepro Leach Reactors

An advanced system for leaching precious metal concentrates generated from gravity concentration circuits. Higher recoveries and faster cycle times than competing leach reactors.

Sepro Tire Drive Agglomeration Drums

Falcon Gravity Concentrators

Sepro Leach Reactors

Sepro Tire Drive Agglomeration Drums

Falcon Gravity Concentrators

Sepro Leach Reactors

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